It starts with YOU.
Maybe we can’t eliminate child abuse and neglect.
BUT what if we could address the root causes and disrupt the intragenerational patterns of behavior that put children at risk?
Studies suggest childhood maltreatment experiences have far reaching effects into the next generation including, but not limited to, contributing to a cycle of abuse and intra-familial violence.
Childhood experiences of maltreatment may alter parents’ ability to avoid using negative parenting practices and utilize positive parenting practices. It may also impact their sense of stress and self-efficacy as parents.
DAYS seeks to help parents to be emotionally nurturing and responsive with their young children, to encourage learning and self-efficacy in their school-age children, and to support positive peer relationships and provide unobtrusive monitoring with their adolescent children.
A $2,500 donation provides a family with family therapy, positive parenting skill building, and individual therapy for their children for 2 months.
Denver Area Youth Services is a 501(c)(3) organization registered in the state of Colorado. Donations are tax-deductible.
Your Impact
Gifts from donors like you are vital to our mission, vision, and values.
A donation of $1,000 provides clinical case management services for a month to four (4) families struggling to meet their basic needs.
Social determinants of health such as food insecurity, under- or unemployment, lack of reliable transportation, and barriers to other basic needs negatively impacts an individual and/or family’s ability to effectively engage in behavioral and mental health services.
A donation of $250 provides a full mental health assessment for 2 individuals.
A mental assessment can help identify mental health conditions and other issues that may be impacting an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Understanding factors that are contributing to an individual’s behavior is the first step in starting treatment.
A donation of $125 supports an hour of therapy for an adolescent who cannot otherwise access services.
Obstacles in accessing adolescent mental health may include familial, clinical, or socio-environmental considerations. While demand for services has been increasing steadily over the past decade, there are serious constraints including long waitlists, lack of insurance, lack of confidentiality and self-referral/consent for minors seeking behavioral health treatment, just to name a few.
Ways to Give
You can support behavioral and mental health for children, youth, and families in a variety of ways.
Make a Donation Online
Make a one-time or recurring gift to help children and adolescents access behavioral and mental health care.
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Give Monthly
Support from monthly donors helps us support families all year long.
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Start a Fundraiser
Raise necessary funds and awareness by inviting friends and family to donate to DAYS through a personal fundraiser.
Get Started
Click HERE to find out how you can write off your charitable donation on your Colorado State Taxes.
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We get it! Times are tough, money is tight. Still want to help?
Sign up for the Kings Soopers Community Rewards program.
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