Welcome To
Denver Area Youth Services
DAYS Mobile Wellness RV
DAYS Mobile Wellness RV
The DAYS Mobile Wellness RV is here.
Look for us at local schools and throughout the community. We bring mental health services to you.
A BIG, BIG thank you to the Denver Broncos Foundation and Heart of America for making the Mobile Wellness RV a reality!
About DAYS
DAYS started as part of a city-wide collaboration to meet the needs of children, youth, and families in and around Denver dealing with juvenile delinquency, child abuse and neglect, teen pregnancy, and foster care.
More than 40 years later, although needs have changed, DAYS remains committed to serving children, youth, and families. Over the last 10 years behavioral and mental health has become a central focus. DAYS has shifted its response due to greater awareness and an understanding that behavioral and mental health plays a pivotal role in individual and family safety, health, and wellness.
For the past 10 years, we have sought to provide behavioral and mental health services to children, youth, and families in an effort to strengthen the foundation for individual health and wellbeing, positive family relationships and dynamics, community safety, and prosocial behavior.
Make a Donation.
A $100 donation buys a tank of gas for one of our vehicles to provide a week’s worth of rides for kids to get to and from therapy.
Denver Area Youth Services is a 501(c)(3) organization registered in the state of Colorado. Donations are tax-deductible.
Where We Are
We see clients in person or in the community:
363 S. Harlan St., Ste 104
Lakewood, CO 80226
Office Open Monday–Friday, 8am–5pm
Weekend appointments may be available
In the Community
We can often provide services in the community and/or in your home.
Services available Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm. Some evenings.
Weekend appointments may be available
What We Offer
Outpatient Mental Health
Substance Use Treatment
Family Time
Home-Based Family Services
We Are Hiring
We Are Hiring
Job Opportunities with DAYS
Child and Family Therapist
We are seeking master’s level clinicians who possess experience working with children, youth, and families in crisis. Experience with child protective services or juvenile justice - even better.
We offer a competitive salary, evidence -based trainings in relevant interventions, supervision for clinical licensure.
Clinical Case Manager
We are seeking bachelor’s level professionals with a strong background in social or human services. Experience helping individuals negotiate complex systems such as Medicaid, housing resources, employment resources, and accessing basic needs is needed for this position.
We offer a competitive salary, ongoing training, and opportunities for growth.
Internships Available
Are you completing your advanced degree? Need an internship? Have experience working with kids and families? Want to help children and youth? Contact us!
We provide practical and direct experience for students in Social Work, Professional Counseling, and other mental health fields.
We work with students from the University of Denver, Metropolitan State, and the University of Colorado. We also provide internships for students completing online degrees through out-of-state schools.
We have some paid internship positions available.
Join our Mailing List
363 S. Harlan St., Ste 104
Lakewood, CO 80226
Monday – Friday: 8AM – 5PM
Weekend appointments may be available.